Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Subject Verb AGREEMENT

The subject and the verb MUST agree in three ways:
              in person, gender and in number.

In person;  1st person is represented by the  pronoun "I, or WE". example- I am going to the store.         
                  2nd person is represented  by the pronoun "You". example- You can  do this!

                  3rd person is  the person or thing that we are speaking about. example- Lisa is going to the mall today.

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******************************** In Gender;  Male or female.

In Number; Means that something is singular or plural.    If the subject is singular ;then, the verb Must be singular also.

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A compound subject that is joined " and " is generally plural ;however, it can be singular if it is referring to the same thing or the same person.  Example; The table and the chair are missing... My good friend and co-worker is coming over for dinner today.
A compound subject joined by "or, nor" can be singular or plural depending on the subject that is closes to the verb.  Example;  Neither Bob nor Betty is here today....  Neither Bob nor Betty's brothers are here today.
                      Indefinite Pronouns
singular               plural      singular or plural
  Each                   both             half
  everyone             few              all
   either                 many          most

Indefinite Pronouns

Always Singular Always Plural Either Singular or Plural
another neither both all
anybody nobody few any
anyone none many more
anything no one others most
each nothing several some
either one
everybody other
everyone somebody
everything someone
little something
much whoever
Nouns plural in form-but singular in meaning.

Economics, ethics, physics, mathematics, gallows, mumps, measles, shambles, whereabouts, news      Physics is offered on line.

Nouns  usually Plural:

Tactics, trousers, scissors, gymnastics, riches, barracks, tidings, acoustics


RELATIVE PRONOUN -  who, which, that……

Mr. Walker, who (is, are) the leader of the group ,will be here later today.

       Antecedent: The word that the pronoun stands for.


Collective noun:  A noun that represent a group of people or things.   Example: team, class, flock……If a collective noun is the subject; then , it can be singular or plural. It is singular when the group is doing something all together and at the same time.  It is plural when the members of the group are doing something separately among them self. 
The team is playing tonight.
The team are going to their cars.
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